You have gotta hand it to Apple. They know Industrial Design, period. Jobs unveiled Apple's latest set of Notebooks and I've got my eye on the 15-inch MacBook Pro. That may very well be my next notebook (if it runs Windows Vista using Bootcamp).
Oh yeah, the whole back-and-forth between Apple and Microsoft about "I'm a PC" and "I'm a Mac" is kinda silly. I use PC as a main home and work computer but I love Macs. I use them occasionally at work and love some of the things they have on Mac. Obvioulsy I hate some of quirks that exist on Mac (Visual Studio beats XCode hands-and-pants down, for example), just like I hate some of the bloatware that runs on Windows (*Cough*Media Player*Cough*). But the notion that you have to hate one to like other is kinda silly, if you ask me.
Agreed. But when it comes to music producion and recording, Nothing beats a mac.